Spiritual Life in Lowry Memorial College Campus
“A deep Christian experience will be combined with the work of true education. Our schools/colleges are to advance steadily in Christian development; and in order to do this. The words and examples of the master teacher should be a constant help.” – Ellen G. White
This document is an expression of the importance of spiritual growth in faculty, staff and students at Lowry Memorial College & Group of Institutions. It has been prepared by the strategic planning and religious life Committee and is considered to be a dynamic statement that will be updated and changed as needs and opportunities arise.
The formulation of the document “Total commitment to God” [Voted by General Conference Annual council, 1996] Has challenged this institution in creating spiritual integrated curriculum and avenues that would enable a spiritual platform to instil in the minds of the non-Christian students and teachers, Adventist Christian values and philosophy of Adventist education.
- Faith in God
- Moral Uprightness
- Love for fellow beings
- Social responsibility
- Pursuit of excellence
- Integrity
- Service
The broad goals are identified as follows:
- To provide a safe and nurturing environment and to assist in the formation of a noble Christian character by placing emphasis on spiritual values of life.
- To ensure the curriculum provide coherent and holistic support for student’s faith.
- Journey, ethical life choice and future leadership in the community.
- To encourage in adapting the Adventist healthy lifestyle in accordance to the pen of inspiration.
- To provide an environment conducive to consistent Christian living.
- To develop habits of accuracy, discrimination and sound judgement in thinking and acting.
- To give spiritual training which will make each student resourceful, confident, and well qualified to meet the realities of life.
- To stimulate an appreciation of the best in books, in nature, in music and in social and recreational activities.
- To cultivate a sense of civic responsibility and loyal citizenship.
- To help students to develop desirable personalities and to discover their spiritual gifts, aptitudes and interests latent within themselves.
- Leading students to know and experience the love and grace of God through quality worship.
- Foster a growing understanding and appreciation of the scriptures.
- Develop adequate levels of understanding, complexity and changes in the growth of ideas.
- Understand and ensure integration of faith and learning.
- Understand the beliefs, values and commitment to grow and exercise in accordance to Adventist faith.
- Establish places for group and individual prayer session.
- Conduct workshops and seminars for all the staff and faculty including non-Adventist workers to orient them to the Adventist philosophy and mission.
- Promote equal participation of believers and non-believers in on-campus and off-campus spiritual activities.
- Nurture spiritual sensitivity and awareness through church and college related programmes which will foster Christian values in the lives of students and staffs.
- Emphasize meaningful spiritual activities in the hostel worship which cater to the spiritual needs of the students.
Sabbath School
It provides full religious education for church members of all ages. It promotes personal & world missions, and trains members to minister to and serve their communities.
Divine Service
Worship is an important part of our weekly experience. It is a divine call from our heavenly Father to find peace and rest in His house.
Adventist youth
The church nurtures and empowers its young members with its motto to lead young people into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ and help them embrace His call to discipleship.
The church supports and encourages one another through time together in worship and Bible study.
Garden of Prayer
Garden of Prayer is an opportunity for the members of the church to engage in special seasons of earnest prayer and supplication.
Blood donation camps
Many of our students are regular blood donors, giving a pint of their blood to save someone else in need.
Mid- week Prayer (Wednesday evenings)
The midweek service is designed to be an informal gathering of those who desire a more personal approach to spiritual growth. It is a time to place before the Lord, those burdens and cares that press upon a toiling soul.
Week of Prayer (Twice a year)
The week of prayer serves to revive drooping spirits and bring added hope and courage into the most ardent souls. They have helped in promoting the spiritual interests of the school family.
Global Youth Day
GYD is to capture the reality of Adventist Youth as a global movement, mobilized for service, contributing to the proclamation of the everlasting gospel and ushering in the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Pathfinders creates a culture that encourages holistic child development with youth clubs and other outdoor events.
Senior English choir
As a part of religious service, singing is as much an act of worship as prayer.
Junior English Choir
Draws the children closer to the creator.
Church Potluck
Fellowship lunch with good food, good conversation and excellent fellowship.
Communion Service
The Lord’s supper is the memorial of Christ’s sacrifice and also points forwards to His second coming.
Junior Church
Junior church for children till grade 8, leads them into a loving, serving relationship with Jesus.
Women’s ministry/Choir:
Ministers to the spiritual, emotional, physical and social needs of women. It encourages women to improve their potential & participation in the mission of the church.
Youth leadership Camp
Our Youth Leadership Camps are known for an emphasis on such things as Christian leadership, Godly living, healthy lifestyle, Christian education and more. It leads the young men and women to the saving knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.